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The BLM has established a number of policies and BMPs, provided below, regarding the
development of wind energy resources on BLM-administered public lands. The policies and
BMPs are applicable to all wind energy development projects on BLM-administered public
lands. The policies address the administration of wind energy development activities, and the
BMPs identify required mitigation measures that will be incorporated into project-specific Plans
of Development (PODs) and right-of-way (ROW) authorization stipulations. Additional
mitigation measures will be applied to individual projects, in the form of stipulations in the ROW
authorization as appropriate, to address site-specific and species-specific issues.
• The BLM will not issue ROW authorizations for wind energy development for
areas in which wind energy development is incompatible with specific
resource values. Specific lands excluded from wind energy site monitoring
and testing and wind energy development include designated areas that are
part of the National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS) (e.g., Wilderness
Areas, Wilderness Study Areas, National Monuments, National Conservation
, Wild and Scenic Rivers, and National Historic and Scenic Trails).
Additional areas may be excluded from wind energy development based on
resource impacts that cannot be mitigated and/or conflict with existing and
multiple-use activities or land use plans. Areas of Critical Environmental
Concern (ACEC) are not universally excluded from wind energy site
monitoring and testing or wind energy development, but will be managed
consistent with the management prescriptions for the individual ACEC.
• To the extent possible, wind energy projects shall be developed in a manner
that will not prevent other land uses, including minerals extraction, livestock
grazing, recreational use, and other ROW uses.
• Entities seeking to develop a wind energy project on BLM-administered lands
shall consult with appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies regarding
specific projects as early in the planning process as appropriate to ensure that
all potential construction, operation, and decommissioning issues and
concerns are identified and adequately addressed.
• The BLM will initiate government-to-government consultation with Indian
tribal governments whose interests might be directly and substantially affected
Wind energy development is permitted in one NCA, the California Desert Conservation Area (CDCA), in
accordance with the provisions of the California Desert Conservation Area Plan 1980, as Amended.

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by activities on BLM-administered lands as early in the planning process as
appropriate to ensure that construction, operation, and decommissioning
issues and concerns are identified and adequately addressed.
• Entities seeking to develop a wind energy project on BLM-administered lands
shall consult with the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), in conjunction with
BLM Washington Office and Field Office staff, regarding the location of wind
power projects and turbine siting as early in the planning process as
appropriate. This consultation shall occur concurrently at both the
installation/field level and the Pentagon/BLM Washington Office level. The
consultation process is outlined in an interagency protocol agreement.
• The BLM will consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) as
required by Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA). The
specific consultation requirements will be determined on a project-by-project
• The BLM will consult with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) as
required by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966
(NHPA). The specific consultation requirements will be determined on a
project-by-project basis. If programmatic section 106 consultations have been
conducted and are adequate to cover a proposed project, additional
consultation may not be needed.
• Existing land use plans will be amended, as appropriate, to (1) adopt
provisions of the BLM’s Wind Energy Development Program, (2) identify
land considered available for wind energy development, and (3) identify land
that will not be available for wind energy development.
• The level of environmental analysis to be required under the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for individual wind power projects will be
determined at the field office level. For many projects, it may be determined
that a tiered environmental assessment (EA) is appropriate in lieu of an
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). To the extent that the Programmatic
EIS (PEIS) addresses anticipated issues and concerns associated with an
individual project, including potential cumulative impacts, the BLM will tier
based on the decisions embedded in the PEIS and limit the scope of additional
project-specific NEPA analyses. The site-specific NEPA analyses will include
analyses of project site configuration and micrositing considerations,
monitoring program requirements, and appropriate mitigation measures. In
particular, the mitigation measures discussed in chapter 5 of the PEIS may be
consulted in determining site-specific requirements. Public involvement will
be incorporated into all wind energy development projects to ensure that all
concerns and issues are identified and adequately addressed. In general, the
scope of the NEPA analyses will be limited to the proposed action on
BLM-administered public lands; however, if access to proposed development

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on adjacent non-BLM-administered lands is entirely dependent on obtaining
ROW access across BLM-administered public lands and there are no
alternatives to that access, the NEPA analysis for the proposed ROW may
need to assess the environmental effects from that proposed development.
The BLM’s analyses of ROW access projects may tier based on the PEIS to
the extent that the proposed project falls within the scope of the PEIS
• Site-specific environmental analyses will tier from the PEIS and identify and
assess any cumulative impacts that are beyond the scope of the cumulative
impacts addressed in the PEIS.
• The Categorical Exclusion (CX) applicable to the issuance of short-term
ROWs or land use authorizations may be applicable to some site monitoring
and testing activities. The relevant CX, established in the BLM NEPA
Handbook, H-1790-1, Appendix 4, Section E. 19 (January 30, 2008),
encompasses “issuance of short-term (3 years or less) rights-of-way or land
use authorizations for such uses as storage sites, apiary sites, and construction
sites where the proposal includes rehabilitation to restore the land to its natural
or original condition.” The CX for “nondestructive data collection, inventory,
study, research, and monitoring activities” may also be applicable to wind
energy site testing and monitoring activities.
• The BLM will require financial bonds for all wind energy development
projects on BLM-administered public lands to ensure compliance with the
terms and conditions of the rights-of-way authorization and the requirements
of applicable regulatory requirements, including reclamation costs. The
amount of the required bond will be determined during the rights-of-way
authorization process on the basis of site-specific and project-specific factors.
A minimum bond will be required for site monitoring and testing
• Entities seeking to develop a wind energy project on BLM-administered
public lands shall develop a project-specific Plan of Development (POD) that
incorporates all BMPs and, as appropriate, the requirements of other existing
and relevant BLM mitigation guidance, including the BLM’s offsite mitigation
guidance. Additional mitigation measures will be incorporated into the POD
and into the ROW authorization as project stipulations, as needed, to address
site-specific and species-specific issues. The POD will include a site plan
showing the locations of turbines, roads, power lines, other infrastructure, and
other areas of short- and long-term disturbance.
• The BLM will incorporate management goals and objectives specific to
habitat conservation for species of concern (e.g., sage-grouse, raptors, bats), as
appropriate, into the POD for proposed wind energy projects.

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• The BLM will consider the visual resource values of the public lands involved
in proposed wind energy development projects, consistent with BLM Visual
Resource Management (VRM) policies and guidance. The BLM will work
with the ROW applicant to incorporate visual design considerations into the
planning and design of the project to minimize potential visual impacts of the
proposal and to meet the VRM objectives of the area.
• Operators of wind power facilities on BLM-administered public lands shall
consult with the BLM and other appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies
regarding any planned upgrades or changes to the wind facility design or
operation. Proposed changes of this nature may require additional
environmental analysis and/or revision of the POD.
• The BLM’s Wind Energy Development Program will incorporate adaptive
management strategies to ensure that potential adverse impacts of wind energy
development are avoided if possible, minimized, or mitigated to acceptable
levels. The programmatic policies and BMPs will be updated and revised as
new data regarding the impacts of wind power projects become available. At
the project-level, operators will be required to develop monitoring programs to
evaluate the environmental conditions at the site through all phases of
development, establish metrics against which monitoring observations can be
measured, identify potential mitigation measures, and establish protocols for
incorporating monitoring observations and additional mitigation measures into
standard operating procedures and project-specific stipulations.
Best Management Practices (BMPs)
The following BMPs will be adopted as required elements of project-specific PODs and/or as
ROW authorization stipulations. They are categorized by development activity: site monitoring
and testing, development of the POD, construction, operation, and decommissioning. The BMPs
for development of the POD identify required elements of the POD needed to address potential
impacts associated with subsequent phases of development.
1. Site Monitoring and Testing
• The area disturbed by installation of meteorological towers (i.e., footprint)
shall be kept to a minimum.
• Existing roads shall be used to the maximum extent feasible. If new roads are
necessary, they shall be designed and constructed to the appropriate BLM road
design standards.
• Meteorological towers shall be located to avoid sensitive habitats or areas
where ecological resources known to be sensitive to human activities
(e.g., prairie grouse) are present. Installation of towers shall be scheduled to

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avoid disruption of wildlife reproductive activities or other important
behaviors, and shall be consistent with sage grouse management strategies.
• Guy wires on permanent meteorological towers shall be avoided, however,
may be necessary on temporary meteorological towers installed during site
monitoring and testing. If guy wires are necessary, the meteorological towers
shall be periodically inspected to determine whether permanent markers (bird
flight diverters) attached to the guy wires are necessary to increase visibility.
• Meteorological towers installed for site monitoring and testing shall be
inspected periodically (at least every 6 months) for structural integrity.
• A study design strategy shall be required for any environmental studies
initiated or baseline data collected during the site testing and monitoring
period. The operator shall submit the study design strategy to the BLM
authorized officer for review.
2. Plan of Development Preparation
• The BLM and operators shall contact appropriate agencies, property owners,
and other stakeholders early in the planning process to identify potentially
sensitive land uses and issues, rules that govern wind energy development
locally, and land use concerns specific to the region.
• Available information describing the environmental and sociocultural
conditions in the vicinity of the proposed project shall be collected and
reviewed as needed to predict potential impacts of the project.
• The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-required notice of proposed
construction shall be made as early as possible to identify any required air
safety measures.
• To plan for efficient use of the land, necessary infrastructure requirements
shall be consolidated wherever possible, and current transmission and market
access shall be evaluated carefully.
• The project shall be planned to utilize existing roads and utility corridors to
the maximum extent feasible and to minimize the number and length/size of
new roads, lay-down areas, and borrow areas.
• A monitoring program shall be developed to ensure that environmental
conditions are monitored during the construction, operation, and
decommissioning phases. The monitoring program requirements, including
adaptive management strategies, shall be established at the project level to

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ensure that potential adverse impacts of wind energy development are
mitigated. The monitoring program shall identify the monitoring requirements
for each environmental resource present at the site, establish metrics against
which monitoring observations can be measured, identify potential mitigation
measures, and establish protocols for incorporating monitoring observations
and additional mitigation measures into standard operating procedures and
• “Good housekeeping” procedures shall be developed to ensure that during
operation the site will be kept clean of debris, garbage, fugitive trash or waste,
and graffiti; to prohibit scrap heaps and dumps; and to minimize storage yards.
Wildlife and Other Ecological Resources
• Operators shall review existing information on species and habitats in the
vicinity of the project area to identify potential concerns.
• Operators shall conduct surveys for Federal and/or State-protected species and
other species of concern (including priority wildlife and special status plant
and animal species) within the project area and design the project to avoid,
minimize, or mitigate impacts to these resources.
• Operators shall identify important, sensitive, or unique habitats in the vicinity
of the project and design the project to avoid, minimize, or mitigate impacts to
these habitats (e.g., locate the turbines, roads, and ancillary facilities in the
least environmentally sensitive areas; i.e., away from riparian habitats,
streams, wetlands, drainages, or critical wildlife habitats).
• The BLM will prohibit the disturbance of any population of federally listed
plant species under the Endangered Species Act.
• Operators shall evaluate avian and bat use of the project area and design the
project to minimize or mitigate the potential for bird and bat strikes
(e.g., development shall not occur in riparian habitats and wetlands). Avian
and bat use surveys consistent with current methodologies and standards shall
be conducted; the amount and extent of ecological baseline data required shall
be determined on a project basis.
• Turbines shall be configured to avoid landscape features known to attract
raptors if site studies show that placing turbines there would pose a significant
risk to raptors.
• Operators shall determine the presence of bat colonies and avoid placing
turbines near known bat hibernation, breeding, and maternity/nursery colonies;
in known migration corridors; or in known flight paths between colonies and
feeding areas.

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• Operators shall determine the presence of active raptor nests (i.e., raptor nests
used during the breeding season) and design the project to provide for spatial
buffers and timing restrictions for surface disturbing activities. Measures to
reduce raptor use at a project site (e.g., minimize road cuts, maintain either no
vegetation or plant species that are unattractive to raptors around the turbines)
shall also be identified.
• A habitat restoration plan shall be developed to avoid, minimize, or mitigate
negative impacts on vulnerable wildlife while maintaining or enhancing
habitat values for other species. The plan shall identify reclamation, soil
stabilization, and erosion reduction measures that shall be implemented to
ensure that all temporary use areas are restored. The plan shall require that
restoration occur as soon as possible after completion of activities to reduce
the amount of habitat converted at any one time and to speed up the recovery
to natural habitats.
• Procedures shall be developed to mitigate potential impacts to special status
species and other priority wildlife species. Such measures may include
avoidance, relocation of project facilities or lay-down areas, and/or relocation
of biota.
• Facilities shall be designed to discourage their use as perching or nesting
substrates by birds. For example, power lines and poles shall be configured to
minimize raptor electrocutions and discourage raptor and raven nesting and
Visual Resources
• The public shall be involved and informed about the visual site design
elements of the proposed wind energy facilities. Possible approaches include
conducting public forums for disseminating information, offering organized
tours of operating wind developments, and using computer and visualization
simulations in public presentations.
• Visual resource management (VRM) considerations shall take place early in
the project planning phase in accordance with BLM VRM manual and
handbooks. Operators shall utilize digital terrain mapping tools at a
landscape/viewshed scale for site planning and design, visual impact analysis,
and visual impact mitigation planning and design. Visual mitigation planning
and design shall be performed through field assessments, applied GPS
technology, photo documentation, use of computer-aided design and
development software, and visual simulations to reflect a full range of visual
resource best management practices. The digital terrain mapping tools shall
be at a resolution and contour interval suitable for site design and accurate
placement of proposed developments into the digital viewshed. Visual

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simulations shall be prepared and evaluated in accordance with BLM
Handbook H-8432-1, or other agency requirements, to create spatially accurate
depictions of the appearance of proposed facilities. Simulations shall depict
proposed project facilities from Key Observation Points and other visual
resource sensitive locations.
• Turbine arrays and turbine design shall be integrated with the surrounding
landscape. Design elements to be addressed include visual uniformity, use of
tubular towers, proportion and color of turbines, nonreflective paints, and
prohibition of commercial messages on turbines.
• Other site design elements shall be integrated with the surrounding landscape.
Elements to address include minimizing the profile of the ancillary structures,
burial of cables, prohibition of commercial symbols, and lighting. Regarding
lighting, efforts shall be made to minimize the need for and amount of lighting
on ancillary structures.
• An access road siting and management plan shall be prepared incorporating
existing BLM standards regarding road design, construction, and maintenance
such as those described in the BLM 9113 Manual and the Surface Operating
Standards and Guidelines for Oil and Gas Exploration and Development
(revised 2007).
Ground Transportation
• A transportation plan shall be developed, particularly for the transport of
turbine components, main assembly cranes, and other large pieces of
equipment. The plan shall consider specific object sizes, weights, origin,
destination, and unique handling requirements and shall evaluate alternative
transportation approaches. In addition, the process to be used to comply with
unique state requirements and to obtain all necessary permits shall be clearly
• A traffic management plan shall be prepared for the site access roads to ensure
that no hazards would result from increased truck traffic and that traffic flow
would not be adversely impacted. This plan shall incorporate measures such
as informational signs, flaggers when equipment may result in blocked
throughways, and traffic cones to identify any necessary changes in temporary
lane configuration.

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• Proponents of a wind energy development project shall take measurements to
assess the existing background noise levels at a given site and compare them
to the anticipated noise levels associated with the proposed project.
Noxious Weeds and Pesticides
• Operators shall develop a plan for control of noxious weeds and invasive
species, which could occur as a result of new surface disturbance activities at
the site. The plan shall address monitoring, education of personnel on weed
identification, the manner in which weeds spread, and methods for treating
infestations. The use of certified weed-free mulch and certified weed-free
seed shall be required. If trucks and construction equipment are arriving from
locations with known invasive vegetation problems, a controlled inspection
and cleaning area shall be established to visually inspect construction
equipment arriving at the project area and to remove and collect seeds that
may be adhering to tires and other equipment surfaces.
• If pesticides are used on the site, an integrated pest management plan shall be
developed to ensure that applications will be conducted within the framework
of BLM and DOI policies and entail only the use of EPA-registered pesticides.
Pesticide use shall be limited to nonpersistent, immobile pesticides and shall
only be applied in accordance with label and application permit directions and
stipulations for terrestrial and aquatic applications. Any applications of
herbicides will be subject to BLM herbicide treatment standard operating
procedures. Only herbicides on the list of approved herbicide formulations
(updated annually) will be used on public lands.
Cultural/Historic Resources
• The BLM will consult with Indian tribal governments early in the planning
process to identify issues regarding the proposed wind energy development,
including issues related to the presence of cultural properties, access rights,
disruption to traditional cultural practices, and impacts to visual resources
important to the tribe(s).
• The presence of archaeological sites and historic properties in the area of
potential effect shall be determined on the basis of a records search of
recorded sites and properties in the area and/or, depending on the extent and
reliability of existing information, an archaeological survey. Archaeological
sites and historic properties present in the area of potential effect shall be
reviewed to determine whether they meet the criteria of eligibility for listing
on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).

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• When any right-of-way application includes remnants of a National Historic
Trail, is located within the viewshed of a National Historic Trail’s designated
centerline, or includes or is within the viewshed of a trail eligible for listing on
the NRHP, the operator shall evaluate the potential visual impacts to the trail
associated with the proposed project and identify appropriate mitigation
measures for inclusion as stipulations in the POD.
• If cultural resources are present at the site, or if areas with a high potential to
contain cultural material have been identified, a cultural resources
management plan (CRMP) shall be developed. This plan shall address
mitigation activities to be taken for cultural resources found at the site.
Avoidance of the area is always the preferred mitigation option. Other
mitigation options include archaeological survey and excavation, and
monitoring. If an area exhibits a high potential, but no artifacts were observed
during an archaeological survey, monitoring by a qualified archaeologist may
be required during all excavation and earthmoving in the high-potential area.
A report shall be prepared documenting these activities. The CRMP also shall
(1) establish a monitoring program, (2) identify measures to prevent potential
looting/vandalism or erosion impacts, and (3) address the education of
workers and the public to make them aware of the consequences of
unauthorized collection of artifacts and destruction of property on public land.
Paleontological Resources
• Operators shall determine whether paleontological resources exist in a project
area on the basis of the sedimentary context of the area, a records search for
past paleontological finds in the area, and/or, depending on the extent of
existing information, a paleontological survey.
• If paleontological resources are present at the site, or if areas with a high
potential to contain paleontological material have been identified, a
paleontological resources management plan shall be developed. This plan
shall include a mitigation plan for collection of the fossils; mitigation may
include avoidance, removal of fossils, or monitoring. If an area exhibits a
high potential but no fossils were observed during survey, monitoring by a
qualified paleontologist may be required during all excavation and
earthmoving in the sensitive area. A report shall be prepared documenting
these activities. The paleontological resources management plan also shall
(1) establish a monitoring program, (2) identify measures to prevent potential
looting/vandalism or erosion impacts, and (3) address the education of
workers and the public to make them aware of the consequences of
unauthorized collection of fossils on public land.

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Hazardous Materials and Waste Management
• Operators shall develop a hazardous materials management plan addressing
storage, use, transportation, and disposal of each hazardous material
anticipated to be used at the site. The plan shall identify all hazardous
materials that would be used, stored, or transported at the site. It shall
establish inspection procedures, storage requirements, storage quantity limits,
inventory control, nonhazardous product substitutes, and disposition of excess
materials. The plan shall also identify requirements for notices to Federal and
local emergency response authorities and include emergency response plans.
• Operators shall develop a waste management plan identifying the waste
streams that are expected to be generated at the site and addressing hazardous
waste determination procedures, waste storage locations, waste-specific
management and disposal requirements, inspection procedures, and waste
minimization procedures. This plan shall address all solid and liquid wastes
that may be generated at the site.
• Operators shall develop a spill prevention and response plan identifying where
hazardous materials and wastes are stored on site, spill prevention measures to
be implemented, training requirements, appropriate spill response actions for
each material or waste, the locations of spill response kits on site, a procedure
for ensuring that the spill response kits are adequately stocked at all times, and
procedures for making timely notifications to authorities.
Storm Water
• Operators shall develop a storm water management plan for the site to ensure
compliance with applicable regulations and prevent offsite migration of
contaminated storm water or increased soil erosion.
Human Health and Safety
• A safety assessment shall be conducted to describe potential safety issues and
the means that would be taken to mitigate them, including issues such as site
access, construction, safe work practices, security, heavy equipment
transportation, traffic management, emergency procedures, and fire control.
• A health and safety program shall be developed to protect both workers and
the general public during construction, operation, and decommissioning of a
wind energy project. Regarding occupational health and safety, the program
shall identify all applicable Federal and State occupational safety standards;
establish safe work practices for each task (e.g., requirements for personal
protective equipment and safety harnesses; Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) standard practices for safe use of explosives and
blasting agents; and measures for reducing occupational electric and magnetic

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fields (EMF) exposures); establish fire safety evacuation procedures; and
define safety performance standards (e.g., electrical system standards and
lightning protection standards). The program shall include a training program
to identify hazard training requirements for workers for each task and establish
procedures for providing required training to all workers. Documentation of
training and a mechanism for reporting serious accidents to appropriate
agencies shall be established.
• Regarding public health and safety, the health and safety program shall
establish a safety zone or setback for wind turbine generators from residences
and occupied buildings, roads, rights-of-ways, and other public access areas
that is sufficient to prevent accidents resulting from the operation of wind
turbine generators. It shall identify requirements for temporary fencing
around staging areas, storage yards, and excavations during construction or
decommissioning activities. It shall also identify measures to be taken during
the operation phase to limit public access to hazardous facilities (e.g.,
permanent fencing installed only around electrical substations, and turbine
tower access doors locked).
• Operators shall consult with local planning authorities regarding increased
traffic during the construction phase, including an assessment of the number
of vehicles per day, their size, and type. Specific issues of concern
(e.g., location of school bus routes and stops) shall be identified and addressed
in the traffic management plan.
• If operation of the wind turbines is expected to cause significant adverse
impacts to nearby residences and occupied buildings from shadow flicker,
low-frequency sound, or EMF, site-specific recommendations for addressing
these concerns shall be incorporated into the project design (e.g., establishing
a sufficient setback from turbines).
• The project shall be planned to minimize electromagnetic interference (EMI)
(e.g., impacts to radar, microwave, television, and radio transmissions) and
comply with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations. Signal
strength studies shall be conducted when proposed locations have the potential
to impact transmissions. Potential interference with public safety
communication systems (e.g., radio traffic related to emergency activities)
shall be avoided.
• The project shall be planned to comply with Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) regulations, including lighting regulations, and to avoid potential safety
issues associated with proximity to airports, military bases or training areas, or
landing strips.

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• Operators shall develop a fire management strategy to implement measures to
minimize the potential for a human-caused fire and respond to natural fire
3. Construction
• All control and mitigation measures established for the project in the POD and
the resource-specific management plans that are part of the POD shall be
maintained and implemented throughout the construction phase, as
• The area disturbed by construction and operation of a wind energy
development project (i.e., footprint) shall be kept to a minimum.
• The number and size/length of roads, temporary fences, lay-down areas, and
borrow areas shall be minimized.
• Topsoil from all excavations and construction activities shall be salvaged and
reapplied during reclamation.
• All areas of disturbed soil shall be reclaimed using weed-free native grasses,
forbs, and shrubs. Reclamation activities shall be undertaken as early as
possible on disturbed areas.
• All electrical collector lines shall be buried in a manner that minimizes
additional surface disturbance (e.g., along roads or other paths of surface
disturbance). Overhead lines may be used in cases where burial of lines
would result in further habitat disturbance.
• Operators shall identify unstable slopes and local factors that can induce slope
instability (such as groundwater conditions, precipitation, earthquake
activities, slope angles, and the dip angles of geologic strata). Operators also
shall avoid creating excessive slopes during excavation and blasting
operations. Special construction techniques shall be used where applicable in
areas of steep slopes, erodible soil, and stream channel crossings.
• Erosion controls that comply with county, State, and Federal standards shall
be applied. Practices such as jute netting, silt fences, and check dams shall be
applied near disturbed areas.
• Timing restrictions for construction activities may be implemented to
minimize impacts to wildlife.

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• In accordance with the habitat restoration plan, restoration shall be undertaken
as soon as possible after completion of construction activities to reduce the
amount of habitat converted at any one time and to speed up the recovery to
natural habitats.
• All construction employees shall be instructed to avoid harassment and
disturbance of wildlife, especially during reproductive (e.g., courtship and
nesting) seasons. In addition, pets shall not be permitted on site during
Visual Resources
• Operators shall reduce visual impacts during construction by clearly
delineating construction boundaries and minimizing areas of surface
disturbance; preserving vegetation to the greatest extent possible; utilizing
undulating surface disturbance edges; stripping, salvaging and replacing
topsoil; contoured grading; controlling erosion; using dust suppression
techniques; and restoring exposed soils as closely as possible to their original
contour and vegetation.
• Existing roads shall be used, but only if in safe and environmentally sound
locations. If new roads are necessary, they shall be designed and constructed
to the appropriate BLM road design standards and be no higher than necessary
to accommodate their intended functions (e.g., traffic volume and weight of
vehicles). Excessive grades on roads, road embankments, ditches, and
drainages shall be avoided, especially in areas with erodible soils. Special
construction techniques shall be used, where applicable. Abandoned roads
and roads that are no longer needed shall be recontoured and revegetated.
• Access roads and on-site roads shall be surfaced with aggregate materials,
wherever appropriate.
• Access roads shall be located to follow natural contours and minimize side hill
• Roads shall be located away from drainage bottoms and avoid wetlands, if
• Roads shall be designed so that changes to surface water runoff are avoided
and erosion is not initiated.
• Access roads shall be located to minimize stream crossings. All structures
crossing streams shall be located and constructed so that they do not decrease

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channel stability or increase water velocity. Operators shall obtain all
applicable Federal and State permits.
• Existing drainage systems shall not be altered, especially in sensitive areas
such as erodible soils or steep slopes. Potential soil erosion shall be controlled
at culvert outlets with appropriate structures. Catch basins, roadway ditches,
and culverts shall be cleaned and maintained regularly.
Ground Transportation
• Project personnel and contractors shall be instructed and required to adhere to
speed limits commensurate with road types, traffic volumes, vehicle types,
and site-specific conditions, to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow and to
reduce wildlife collisions and disturbance and airborne dust.
• Traffic shall be restricted to the roads developed for the project. Use of other
unimproved roads shall be restricted to emergency situations.
• Signs shall be placed along construction roads to identify speed limits, travel
restrictions, and other standard traffic control information. To minimize
impacts on local commuters, consideration shall be given to limiting
construction vehicles traveling on public roadways during the morning and
late afternoon commute time. Consideration shall also be given to
opportunities for busing of construction workers to the job site to reduce
traffic volumes.
Air Emissions
• Dust abatement techniques shall be used on unpaved, unvegetated surfaces to
minimize airborne dust.
• Speed limits (e.g., 25 mph [40 km/h]) shall be posted and enforced to reduce
airborne fugitive dust.
• Construction materials and stockpiled soils shall be covered if they are a
source of fugitive dust.
• Dust abatement techniques shall be used before and during surface clearing,
excavation, or blasting activities.
Excavation and Blasting Activities
• Operators shall gain a clear understanding of the local hydrogeology. Areas of
groundwater discharge and recharge and their potential relationships with
surface water bodies shall be identified.

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• Operators shall avoid creating hydrologic conduits between two aquifers
during foundation excavation and other activities.
• Foundations and trenches shall be backfilled with originally excavated
material as much as possible. Excess excavation materials shall be disposed
of only in approved areas or, if suitable, stockpiled for use in reclamation
• Borrow material shall be obtained only from authorized and permitted sites.
Existing sites shall be used in preference to new sites.
• Explosives shall be used only within specified times and at specified distances
from sensitive wildlife or streams and lakes, as established by the BLM or
other Federal and State agencies.
• Noisy construction activities (including blasting) shall be limited to the least
noise-sensitive times of day (i.e., daylight hours only or specified times) and
• All equipment shall have sound-control devices no less effective than those
provided on the original equipment. All construction equipment used shall be
adequately muffled and maintained.
• All stationary construction equipment (i.e., compressors and generators) shall
be located as far as practicable from nearby residences.
• If blasting or other noisy activities are required during the construction period,
nearby residents shall be notified in advance.
Cultural and Paleontological Resources
• Unexpected discovery of cultural or paleontological resources during
construction shall be brought to the attention of the responsible BLM
authorized officer immediately. Work shall be halted in the vicinity of the
find to avoid further disturbance to the resources while they are being
evaluated and appropriate mitigation measures are being developed.
Hazardous Materials and Waste Management
• Secondary containment shall be provided for all onsite hazardous materials
and waste storage, including fuel. In particular, fuel storage (for construction
vehicles and equipment) shall be a temporary activity occurring only for as
long as is needed to support construction activities.

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• Wastes shall be properly containerized and removed periodically for disposal
at appropriate offsite-permitted disposal facilities.
• In the event of an accidental release of hazardous materials to the
environment, the operator shall document the event, including a root cause
analysis, appropriate corrective actions taken, and a characterization of the
resulting environmental or health and safety impacts. Documentation of the
event shall be provided to the BLM authorized officer and other Federal and
State agencies, as required.
• Any wastewater generated in association with temporary, portable sanitary
facilities shall be periodically removed by a licensed hauler and introduced
into an existing municipal sewage treatment facility. Temporary, portable
sanitary facilities provided for construction crews shall be adequate to support
expected onsite personnel and shall be removed at completion of construction
Public Health and Safety
• Temporary fencing shall be installed around staging areas, storage yards, and
excavations during construction to limit public access.
4. Operation
• All control and mitigation measures established for the project in the POD and
the resource-specific management plans that are part of the POD shall be
maintained and implemented throughout the operational phase, as appropriate.
These control and mitigation measures shall be reviewed and revised, as
needed, to address changing conditions or requirements at the site throughout
the operational phase. This adaptive management approach will help ensure
that impacts from operations are kept to a minimum.
• Inoperative turbines shall be repaired, replaced, or removed in a timely
manner. Requirements to do so shall be incorporated into the due diligence
provisions of the rights-of-way authorization. Operators will be required to
demonstrate due diligence in the repair, replacement, or removal of turbines;
failure to do so may result in termination of the right-of-way authorization.
• Employees, contractors, and site visitors shall be instructed to avoid
harassment and disturbance of wildlife, especially during reproductive
(e.g., courtship and nesting) seasons. In addition, any pets shall be controlled
to avoid harassment and disturbance of wildlife.

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• Observations of potential wildlife impacts, including wildlife mortality, shall
be reported to the BLM authorized officer immediately.
Visual Resources
• Operators shall monitor and maintain visual mitigation measures for the
approved project in accordance with a visual monitoring and compliance plan.
The operator shall maintain revegetated surfaces until a self-sustaining stand
of vegetation is reestablished and visually adapted to the undisturbed
surrounding vegetation. No new disturbance shall be created during
operations without completion of a VRM analysis and approval by the
authorized officer.
Ground Transportation
• Ongoing ground transportation planning shall be conducted to evaluate road
use, minimize traffic volume, and ensure that roads are maintained adequately
to minimize associated impacts.
Monitoring Program
• Site monitoring protocols defined in the POD shall be implemented. These
will incorporate monitoring program observations and additional mitigation
measures into standard operating procedures and BMPs to minimize future
environmental impacts.
• Results of monitoring program efforts shall be provided to the BLM
authorized officer.
Public Health and Safety
• Permanent fencing shall be installed and maintained around electrical
substations, and turbine tower access doors shall be locked to limit public
• In the event an installed wind energy development project results in
electromagnetic interference (EMI), the operator shall work with the owner of
the impacted communications system to resolve the problem. Additional
warning information may also need to be conveyed to aircraft with onboard
radar systems so that echoes from wind turbines can be quickly recognized.

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5. Decommissioning
• Prior to the termination of the right-of-way authorization, a decommissioning
plan shall be developed and approved by the BLM. The decommissioning
plan shall include a site reclamation plan and monitoring program.
• All management plans, BMPs, and stipulations developed for the construction
phase shall be applied to similar activities during the decommissioning phase.
• All turbines and ancillary structures shall be removed from the site.
• Topsoil from all decommissioning activities shall be salvaged and reapplied
during final reclamation.
• All areas of disturbed soil shall be reclaimed using weed-free native shrubs,
grasses, and forbs.
• The vegetation cover, composition, and diversity shall be restored to values
commensurate with the ecological setting.